Thursday, January 26, 2012

Internship @ Beatitude House January 26th

I felt it necessary to discuss this contract issue with my field educator during my supervision time today due to a conversation with a fellow student who related some concerning information to me. I was told that another fellow student had a visit from their field coordinator because they had heard this student was having troubles at home and were visiting out of concern. This student was not having troubles at home but believed that their were rumors being circulated around YSU's Social Work department about them to make them look bad due to their interactions with a certain faculty member. Because of this I wanted to related what was going on with me and my possible fight against YSU to my field educator before she may hear any incorrect information elsewhere.
My field educator is also a very intelligent individual, who holds a degree from YSU and has years of experience in the field. I wanted her advice. I let her read the contract. She also believes I am being unfairly treated. She suggested that I look into contacting the student ombudsmen - I have found the phone number on the YSU website and will call for an appointment tomorrow. I have passed this advice onto other students in the hopes that they too call for an appointment with the ombudsmen.

Foundations 2 Class January 25

Second class with Dr. Allen of the semester. I attended class on Saturday with Dr. Hyppolite, she did not bring up the contract at all. Dr. Allen asked me if I had brought the contract with me and if I had signed it. I told her that I had not signed it and asked her why she wanted to know. She told me that she had been asked by other faculty if everyone in class had signed it and she told them that a student had not (I am not sure if she named me or not) but that they had said they didn't say they weren't going to sign it just that they wanted to research it further. I told Dr. Allen that was correct and I was still looking into researching it further. Dr. Allen dropped the matter. Dr. Allen did not mention faculty members by name or imply anyone in particular. She seems to be worried about me putting myself in a dangerous position but also seems to agree with the stance I have taken. I have a feeling that I will be contacted by "other" faculty if I do not turn this contract in soon.

I have also been informed via email from Maureen Reardon that I will not receive a grade for my field internship if I do not have this contract signed and turned in.

Foundations 2 Class January 18th

First day back to YSU after winter break. Dr. Allen passed out a contract to all students. It is titled "Expectations for Student Performance and Behavior". All students were told to sign it and turn it back in. I did not sign it. I stated that I wanted to further research what I was signing my name to. I did not commit to signing it or to not signing it at that point in class. Dr. Allen tried to convince me to sign it by pressuring me to do so. I did not feel intimidated by Dr. Allen or threatened by her. I once again stated that I was not going to sign it and she dropped the matter.

This post is being written a over a week since the occurrence of these events due to my late decision to record interactions with YSU faculty and staff in regards to this contract and other interactions that I find of concern to myself as a student.